Pumice stone and foot file – are they a relic?

When we want to take care of our feet and get rid of dead skin, we usually choose a widely available pumice stone or foot file.
The pumice stone has been known for years and is undoubtedly the most popular method in terms of foot hygiene. In addition, it’s an available accessory that has been used since there wasn’t much choice and it was the only option to have smooth and soft feet.
I remember when I was a child, I came to my grandma’s house and it was a permanent piece of equipment in the bathroom. Many people replaced the pumice stone with the foot file, but pumice still attracts us with low price and accessibility. It’s available almost everywhere, even in a corner shop.
What is pumice stone?

Foot care
Pumice (Latin: pumex) is created from lava, which dries to form igneous rock. There are two types of pumice: volcanic (formed from lava) and synthetic. Volcanic pumice is natural and it occurs in black, beige or gray color. With its help, we can get rid of calloused skin and corns.

Volcanic pumice
Synthetic pumice stays as an alternative to volcanic pumice. Despite its similar porous texture and comparable function, it’s much cheaper than the volcanic one. On the other hand, it brittles quickly (in contrast to natural pumice) and is produced in different colors. For this reason, they are easy to distinguish.
An important aspect of using pumice stone is hygiene. This product that can be used only by one person, you should not share it with other family members.
In most cases, the pumice is kept in a damp bathroom. Consequently, it remains wet all the time and after a short time begins to be a habitat for bacteria and fungi, which can easily become a source of infection. In order to avoid this problem, it is recommended to clean it thoroughly after each use. It’s not easy since the pumice has a porous structure. In addition, it is obligatory to disinfect it at least once a month, and preferably after each use, and replace it regularly with a new one.
Foot file

Foot file
We have many more options to choose from in terms of foot tiles. Electrical foot file, files made of metal, wood or plastic, files with different gradations or an innovation on the cosmetic market – the Clevebe foot scrubbing and massage device. The foot files, unlike pumice stones, have comfortable handles, but Clevebe can be used standing up. Some of them have two sides with abrasive elements for the effect of stronger abrasion and smoothing.
Unfortunately, the foot tiles also have their weaknesses. Electrical foot tiles rapidly slow down or stop when they are pressed against the foot. However, popular metal foot files (which look like cheese graters) are often too sharp and can injure the feet. In this case, you can imagine what a callus remover will do to your feet.

Clevebe foot scrub and massage product
Pumice or foot tile?

Pumice vs foot file
So, which option is better? In my opinion, definitely foot file. The reasons for that are that it will last longer, it doesn’t crumble, and it’s not dangerous to our feet when it’s well-washed and dried. Pumice, on the other hand, poses a threat to our feet, which may consequently result in a visit to a specialist.
If you are still unconvinced, a better option is the volcanic pumice. At this point, you should consider and think about choosing the Clevebe foot scrubbing device. It’s hygienic and shareable with a partner due to the ability to replace of inserts. And above all – there is no need to buy a new product over and over again, but only to change the inserts.
For more useful information, I invite you to visit our blog, where we regularly publish articles on foot care and show solutions on how to get rid of the embarrassing problem.